The path towards sustainable sourcing of critical raw materials
in the EU
An integrated approach for extraction in protected areas

Supporting the EU in achieving the goals outlined in its energy transition and climate change agenda
Creating a policy framework for responsible mining
At CIRAN, our goal is to identify processes that enable balancing economic stability and critical raw materials (CRMs) supply security with social well-being and environmental conservation priorities across the EU. We aim to create a policy framework for responsible domestic mining that aligns European strategic objectives with social and environmental constraints at the local level.
The EU must reduce its dependence on other countries for CRMs supply to mitigate the risk of disruptions
Mining is essential to supply the raw materials needed for the EU’s digital and green transition
Critical raw materials (CRMs) are resources essential to the economy but with high supply risks. As Europe transitions to climate neutrality, due to their importance in the manufacturing of clean energy technologies, demand for CRMs has increased. However, the recent souring of International Relations has proven that the EU must reduce its dependence on imported CRMs. To do this, the EU will therefore have to develop new domestic sources in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This requires building trustworthy frameworks that address public concerns about mining impacts.
Europe’s climate goals, as exemplified by initiatives such as the Green Deal and Circular Economy Action Plan, require a fresh approach that includes responsible mining of CRMs even within environmentally protected areas.